Part-time Nursery Nurse
From Jan 2010 a part time post will be available within a Private Nursery, as part of a job share, the post is for 5 days a week from 12 noon until 6.00pm
The successful candidate will join an established team of committed and enthusiastic practitioners with QTS, EYPS and Level 3 Qualifications. We are looking for applications from practitioners with experience of working in Early Years settings who are committed to a reflective and responsive pedagogy. The successful applicant, with guidance and leadership from other Full time members of staff, will contribute to creating enabling environments that promote quality, child initiated learning. The post also includes responsibility for a specific group of children aged between 2 and 5 years, including taking an active and documented interest in their well being and continued development.
Closing date for all applications 12 noon Friday 12th November
Interviews held week beginning 29th November 2010
Location: Bristol
Salary: Competitive
Hours: Part-time
Type: Temporary or Contract
Starting: Starting 01/01/2011
Duration: Ongoing
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