Tired of the paperwork that comes with teaching jobs? This might be the perfect position for you!
part time nanny/tutor is needed for 2 lovely bright girls (3 years old and 5 years old)
ideally 3 days per week (any days) 11.30am – 6pm – however more hours/one more day can be offered as well if wanted
the younger girl needs to be picked up at 11.30am, the older girl at 3pm
this position would be ideal for a preschool/primary school teacher who would prefer to do more hands on work with two children only as oposed to the whole class!
- minimum 5 years of solid childcare experience (Teaching or working as a nanny/governess/tutor)
- childcare qualification (such as NVQ 3, NNEB or teaching degree)
- ability to teach the girls good manners and help with their homework/reading/counting etc.
- very energetic and fun nature but also ability to have a calm time when working on homework etc.
- excellent written/spoken English (no spelling/grammar mistakes!) + clear, well spoken accent
- the ability to speak second language (such as French) is highly desirable (not essential)
start is ASAP (November 2010)!
To apply, please call Fiona or Karolina at 0207 384 2008 or send your CV to (email address removed)
Location: South Kensington
Salary: £10+nph (On Experience)
Hours: Part-time
Type: Permanent
Starting: Immediately
Duration: Ongoing
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