35 hpw Nanny (More Hours with Housework If Wanted)

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part time live out nanny needed for a family with 1 baby (10mo boy)

ideally 5-6 half days per week (Saturdays can be negotiable – exchanged for babysitting or so) 8am-2/3pm (little flexible)

mainly sole charge childcare during the mornings, can offer more hours if wanted (housework in the afternoons)

the family travels to Italy/Switzerland 2x per year (1 month in January and 2 months in the summer) and the ideal candidate would either go with them or have unpaid time off

this role is very flexible, offers either 35 hours per week of pure childcare or 50 hours per week of childcare/housework, more hours when on holiday with them (extra paid)

they are looking for experienced nanny with fluent English, ideally able to drive (not essential) and able to have sole charge of the baby

Location: Fulham (Parsons Green)
Salary: £up to 10nph (On Exp.)
Hours: Full-time
Type: Permanent
Starting: Starting 01/02/2010
Duration: Ongoing