part time live out nanny needed to have a sole charge of 1yo twins and 2,5yo toddler (at a nursery every morning)
as this is a sole charge role, the nanny will need to have heaps of energy and previous experience with 3 young children at once;
the parents will both be working, but the mum comes home around 5.30pm and helps with the dinner/bath time
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7.45am-7pm (34,5hpw), occasional babysitting
requirements – confident driver (automatic car provided), experience with more than 2 children at once, very energetic and fun personality and fluent English and must be a non smoker, ideally over 25yo (for car insurance)
cleaner is employed, no pets, no travel needed
start 4th January the latest!
Location: Teddington, TW11
Salary: £9-10nph (On Exp.)
Hours: Part-time
Type: Permanent
Starting: Starting 05/01/2010
Duration: Ongoing
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