Live-in Aupair (Plenty of Time Off During the Day)

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part time live in aupair needed for 2 girls (8mo and 2,5yo)

as the mum is going back to work in March and the girls will be at nursery whole days, the person will need to get them ready in the mornings and take them to the nursery (5 mins walk) and then pick them up at 4pm and stay with them until the parents come home (usually 7/7.30pm)

only childcare duties

, no cleaning, there is nothing to do during the day (would suit a student or someone who works in the area during the day and needs accommodation and extra money)

Monday – Friday 7.30am-9am and 4pm-7.30pm

, 1-2x per week babysitting

accommodation provided – double bedroom on top of the house and bathroom shared with the girls

the family is looking for non smoking aupair with previous childcare experience and good level of English, must have at least one childcare related reference

start in January

(or beginning of February the latest) for at least 1 year

Location: Fulham (Parsons Green)
Salary: Approx £100pw
Hours: Part-time
Type: Permanent
Starting: Starting 07/01/2010
Duration: Ongoing