part time live out (accommodation can also be provided) nanny for 2 children (B4yo and G20mo)
the family has recently relocated to London and the children go to nursery 3 days per week (currently Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but this can be changed), the mother needs extra help on the 2 days they are at home as she has got some health problems
this is a mix of sole charge and shared care role, childcare only (cleaner is employed), no pets, no travel, no driving needed
ideally the days would be Monday and Friday 8am-7pm and 1 or 2 evenings per week 5-8pm (can be flexible on the days and hours)
the total amount of hours per week would be between 25 and 28
the family is looking for reliable and loving nanny with good experience and fluent English
start ASAP (beginning of January)
Location: St John’s Wood
Salary: £9-10nph (On Exp.)
Hours: Part-time
Type: Permanent
Starting: Immediately
Duration: Ongoing
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